{ iCKB Testnet DApp }

This is a iCKB Testnet DApp, a place where you can safely try out the iCKB DApp and give feedback for how you would like to see it improved. Visit the Nervos Testnet Faucet if you need some free testnet CKB to test with.

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What is NervosDAO?

NervosDAO is a L1 Script that allows users to deposit their CKB and earn interests from secondary issuance compensation. When depositing CKB in NervosDAO, these CKB are normally locked away and inaccessible during the ~30 days cycle, so they are illiquid. iCKB protocol aims to solve this.

What is iCKB?

iCKB is a smart wrapper of NervosDAO. When depositing with the iCKB protocol, the protocols mints iCKB tokens representing the deposits and it takes control of the deposits, maintaining a pool of them.

Holding the iCKB token is roughly equivalent to a traditional NervosDAO deposit, no re-staking needed, but with the additional benefit that iCKB withdrawals are fast as they can withdraw from the iCKB deposits closest to maturity, bypassing the NervosDAO ~30 days cycle.

Has iCKB been audited?

The iCKB L1 Scripts have been both internally reviewed by individuals with deep experience in Nervos L1 and externally audited by the Scalebit team, an internationally recognized blockchain security team.

As per usual practice, the Web DApp code has not been audited. Feel free to review its open source code before using the DApp.

Who is behind iCKB?

A developer, going by the pseudonym Phroi. I'd like to spend my time working on projects giving meaning to my life and improving the life of users. Win-win situations. I'll present iCKB at CKCON 2024, feel free to come and say hi!!

The Nervos Foundation who sponsored the development of iCKB project as a public good. iCKB would not have happened without their help, especially Jordan and Matt. In these years Jordan personally invested a lot of time and energy, supporting iCKB in every way he could. Thank you a lot!!

Many Nervos ecosystem members who helped out iCKB directly or indirectly, I'm especially grateful to Jan & his team, Homura and Nervos Nation.